Studio Capaccio provides Customers with advice and assistance in gathering information necessary for creating a professional opinion on the reliability of the budget, in accordance with financial audit procedures and accounting principles.
The Studio offers its accounting services in the sphere of simplified and ordinary bookkeeping for companies, professionals, partnerships and corporations. Management of the book of depreciable assets. Financial statements and restatements for companies and enterprises. Preparation of notes and attachments for the balance sheets.
The Studio provides guidance on the employer-employee relations by performing all tasks related to hiring, dismissals, managing payrolls and contribution payments, preparing pay slips, having access to the premises of INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale - National Institute of Social Insurance) and INAIL (Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro - National Institute for Insurance Against Industrial Accidents), editing CUD forms (Certificato Unico Dipendente - Certification of the Withholding Agent) and 770 forms for the tax payers.
On the Customer's request, the Studio provides assistance within company administration tasks, invoices, fax and e-mail services, sending letters by recorded delivery to administrative offices in addition to various secretarial services.
The Studio offers its advice and assistance to the companies undergoing any kind of transformation, from the establishment, through changes, till liquidation.
The Studio assists the newly created or already existing companies in writing their own Business Plan, assessing together with the entrepreneur the strong points and chances of success.
The Studio prepares the following tax returns for individuals:
Additionally, the Studio gives advice on the law regulations and offers assistance in filling in the tax forms.
The Studio prepares the following business tax returns:
[1]Imposta Regionale sulle Attività Produttive - Regional Tax on Productive Activities
[2]the Studi di Settore are used by the Italian tax administration to calculate reference revenue levels for small businesses; statistics-based tax assessment
[3]Enpapi - Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza della Professione Infermieristica - National Welfare and Assistance Fund for the Nursing Personnel
Inarcassa - Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per gli Ingegneri ed Architetti Liberi Professionisti - National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Freelance Engineers and Architects
Cassa di previdenza Forense - National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Solicitors and Barristers
Enpam - Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza dei Medici e degli Odontoiatri - National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Doctors and Dentists.
The Studio prepares the income tax return forms for sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations that manage their own bookkeeping and require only professional support in fulfilling their fiscal obligations.
Upon request, the Studio may provide an online service of accounting, payroll processing and fiscal consulting for individuals, professionals, companies and joint ownerships. To use this option, please refer to our contact form by entering your name, surname and e-mail address. Kindly indicate also your tax code (codice fiscale) in the request, VAT identification number (concerning enterprises and companies), your question itself and preferable way of response (fax, e-mail, callback). The estimate cost will be sent back in 24 hours.
On special request, the Studio assists private enterprises, partnerships and corporations in the completion of the online F24 Form.
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Combating late payment in commercial transactions
How many units of stuff—say, how many ham sandwiches, iPhone apps, or hours of consulting services—must you sell in order to cover your costs?
Break even analysis